younger vs elder

Talking about elder, we often think that they are conservative, out of date, dictatorial, talkactive, and another stigma. There are always different thought between elder and younger. When elders talk about something to youngers, we can say it is about style or model, fashion, clothes, music, friends, technology, education, the way younger talk, eat, even the way they walk, it will be something annoying for younger. It is because they are from different background, culture, and of curse different era. The elder one does not know what the younger often talk about, such as blackberry messanger, instagram, facebook, twitter, the newest style, the trending topic among younger, and many others. Then, this is the exact problem. But sometimes, two generations can be united by respecting each other, although it is quite difficult because of factors that I have told above.

That’s Sandra Kirk’s problems. She couldn’t accept what her grandfather told her. She didn’t agree for all of her grandfather has told to her. She blamed her grandfather. She just regarded that all of her grandfather said was only complaining and criticizing, not as kind of advice. She thought that her grandfather was just the dictator, disturber, and kind of primitive one. She did not realize that that’s all for her goodness.

Here, I definitely agree to what Sanda’s grandfather said, what the elder said. Honestly, at the first time I am as the teenager or younger where in this phase, teenagers think that they have the best argument, feel annoyed when the elder said everything they said. Why could it happen? Well, it’s because the elder didn’t know the best way how to urge this kind of creature (younger). Younger always thinks they are the best one. They are selfish and arrogant. They need the real evidence and fact, not only direct command. So, here the elder should have the right strategy to talk with them. Later, they will do what the elder asked and said.

Respect one another is the most important part. In this section, I do emphasize to the younger to respect the elder first. However, they were born before us, so they know better about life than we do. Don’t be like Sandra did. Our grandparents, parents, uncle, or aunt forbid us to wear ‘improper’ clothes, hear the out of loud record, or invite boyfriend to our house. Eventhough, sometimes it bothers us, just believe that’s all for our good life. Do what they ask and avoid what they prohibit. Remember this idiom, your elders and betters.



Name                           : Erie Shiska Tirtandini

Student number          : 06011181320005

Prevention is Better than Cure

Sexual and reproductive health has been defined by WHO as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. It is an essential component of young people’s ability to become well-adjusted, responsible and productive members of society.

Research shows that young people want to talk with their parents about sexual health. Many parents are unsure of where to start or may feel uncomfortable about having these conversations, but avoiding the subject will not stop their children from having sex or keep them safe. Talking about reproductive health is indeed sensitive. Word of “reproductive” and “sexual” is regarded by people, especially young people as the negative connotation, whereas one of efforts to overcome the sorts of sexual and reproductive problems is to socialize it to young people. They must have sex education at an early age.

Maternal deaths are leading contributors in women’s disease burden with an estimated 275,000 women killed each year in childbirth and pregnancy worldwide. In 2011, there were approximately 273,500 maternal deaths. Forty-five percent of postpartum deaths occur within 24 hours. Over 90% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries. Generally, it causes lack of sexual and reproductive health knowledge.

Why is sexual and reproductive health important? Well, sexual and reproductive health is longlife concern. Every single mother deserves having healthy children and grown-ups. A mother’s reproductive health status has an impact on her children and their health. The world future depends on the good generation, and good generation depends on the mother health.

For women, it is very important bacause women face health problems in relation to their reproductive system that could cause maternal mortality. They face complications during pregnancy and childbirth and are more prone to risks while preventing unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, reproductive tract infections and in using contraception.

Besides that, sexual and reproductive is a human right. Sexual rights embrace human rights that are already recognized in national laws, international human rights documents and other consensus statements. They include the right of all persons, free of coercion, discrimination and violence, to: the highest attainable standard of sexual health, including access to sexual and reproductive health care services; seek, receive and impart information related to sexuality; sexuality education; respect for bodily integrity; choose their partner; decide to be sexually active or not; consensual sexual relations; consensual marriage; decide whether or not, and when, to have children; and pursue a satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life.

All in all, sexual and reproductive health takes the most important role in creating safe life. By giving the early prevention for young people, especially female, reducing their risk of being in an unhealthy relationship, maternal death, experiencing unwanted sex or an unplanned pregnancy, or getting a sexually transmissible infection. The last, I want to say, it is better to stop something bad from happening rather than try to deal with the problems after it has happened.



Name               : Erie Shiska Tirtandini

Age                 : 18 years old

Country           : Indonesia

Negeri-Negeri Daun Merah, Kuning, Hijau

Dan keinginan itu semakin menggebu. Membaur bersama kerasnya kerja yang amat melelahkan. Bagi gadis desa yang tak tau apa-apa ini, yang pergi merantau jauh dari bapak dan ibu di kampung, keinginan ini terlihat amat tak mungkin. Tak tau satupun cara untuk ke sana. Tugas-tugas kuliah saja rasanya berat sekali. Bagaimana bisa menyusul mereka-mereka yang dengan gembiranya bercerita tentang negeri-negeri itu. Negeri yang katanya sungguh indah. Gumpalan-gumpalan es lembut yang mereka mainkan, coklat khas terbaik di seluruh dunia, dan satu hal yang membuat hati ini iri bukan main. Ya, daun yang mempunyai siklus warna yang begitu indah. Tak ada satupun di negeri yang sedang aku tumpangi ini jenis daun indah itu. Hanya gambar di dinding kamar mandi, buku, dan sesekali membayangkan sedang menyentuhnya. Dan aku, si gadis kampung ini akan terus meyakinkan apapun, siapapun yang berada di dekatnya bahwa kemungkinan itu milik siapa saja. Lihatlah, daun daun itu akan aku sentuh bagaimanapun caranya.